6 Card PLO: An Introduction

Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) is a popular variant of poker that offers a unique blend of strategy and excitement. The 6-card version of PLO takes the complexity and strategic depth of the game to a whole new level. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of 6-card PLO, discussing starting hand selection, positional play, bet sizing, and advanced strategies to help you navigate this challenging and rewarding game.

Starting Hand Selection

In 6-card PLO, the equities of starting hands run closer together than in the 4 or 5 card variants. This means that the strength of your starting hand is more context-dependent. High pairs, nut flush draws, and rundowns are generally considered playable hands. Some players suggest that the best possible hand could be AAKKQQ with 3 suits, or hands like KQJT98 with 3 suits.

Your position at the table also influences your starting hand selection. In early position, you should be more selective, opting for high pairs, suited cards, and connected cards. As you move to a later position, you can slightly widen your range to include hands with good potential for making straights and flushes. In the blinds, it’s generally best to stick to high-quality hands, although you can see a flop with a wider range of hands if you have the right pot odds.

Positional Play and Bet Sizing

Positioning is crucial in 6-card PLO. With more cards, you can gather more information from players and have a better idea of when to peel for free or bet. Positioning becomes even more important in 6-max games, where you should aim to play the majority of your reasonable starting hands from the button or cut-off.

Bet sizing in PLO is a complex task and depends on several factors, including preflop action, board texture, stack depth, and who has the range advantage. When your value betting range is vulnerable to being outdrawn, you should use a larger bet size. Large bet sizes allow you to build the pot when you have a strong hand, extract more value before the turn or river can reduce your strong hand, and generate more fold equity, making your bluffs more effective.

Advanced Strategies

For more advanced strategy in 6-card PLO, you can focus on several areas:

  1. Hand Reading and Range Analysis: In PLO, it’s often more about determining how your opponents play different hands and playing accordingly. Visualizing poker ranges can be helpful, and you can refine an opponent’s starting hand based on betting action, betting patterns, betting size, and player type.
  2. Bluffing and Semi-Bluffing: Semi-bluffing is a crucial part of a winning poker strategy. It involves betting or raising with a draw that may be losing in equity but may improve to the best hand. Pure bluffs and semi-bluffs are both important in PLO.
  3. Multi-Way Pots and Adjustments: In multi-way pots, you need to tighten your value betting range, especially when playing out of position. You should also raise your threshold for hands worth bluffing in multi-way pots, especially when playing out of position.
  4. Playing Against Different Player Types: Adjust your ranges based on your opponents’ tendencies. For example, if you’re up against a tough opponent who might punish your wide opening range with 3-bets and floats, limping with a wide range can be a reasonable strategy from the small blind.

The Value of Double or Triple Suited Hands

In 6-card PLO, the value of double or triple suited starting hands is indeed higher compared to 4-card PLO. The reason for this is that with more cards in play, the potential for making strong flushes increases, and having multiple suits represented in your hand gives you more opportunities to make a flush. Moreover, in 6-card PLO, starting hand equities run closer together, which means that the strength of your hand is more dependent on the specific situation and the texture of the board.

In conclusion, 6-card PLO is a complex and challenging game that requires a deep understanding of poker strategy. By carefully selecting your starting hands, paying attention to your position, and employing advanced strategies, you can navigate the complexities of the game and increase your chances of success. Remember, these are general strategies and the best approach can vary depending on the specific game situation and the tendencies of your opponents. Happy playing!


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